Specialising in historic and listed buildings
Featured on the Stone Heritage Register
Accredited by the Stone Federation

Monumental Works for Sally Strachey Historic Conservation
Location: The Melville Building, Royal William Yard, Stonehouse, Plymouth & The Granby Gate, The Old Devonport Site, Devonport, Plymouth.
In order of photos:
Portland ashlar repair to the Granby gate. This was carried out using a Portland stone dust and 1 NHL 3.5 hydraulic lime.
The arch uplift of the Melville building was carried out by breaking through the wall to make pockets for steel beams to hold the gable up. The existing arch was then removed and placed to one side, before being placed back in later at the raised height.
Alongside this, the timbers in the doorway were removed and replaced with Plymouth limestone. The mortar mix used was two and three quarters of silver sand, a quarter of ginger sand, and 1 NHL 3.5 hydraulic lime.
The next photo is of me carrying out a ThermaTech clean to the Granby Gate, Devonport, Plymouth.
The next series of photos is of me working and fixing a stone indent to the front facade of the Melville Building. This was carried out using sawn Plymouth limestone, then tooled and cut to match the existing stone in the facade.